Giving Center

Our Funds

Funds / Environment / Bailey Nature Preserve Fund

Bailey Nature Preserve Fund

Bailey Nature Preserve (formerly known as Metcalf Lake) is a 160-acre forested parcel located in Assyria Township. It surrounds a 35-acre lake.

The lake and property were donated to the City of Battle Creek in 1998, and then transferred to Barry County Parks and Recreation during the first half of 2024. Barry County Parks and Recreation Commission will manage the property and help preserve the area’s natural state for future generations, the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy will hold a conservation easement on the property.  This fund has been established to support the preserve’s reopening and to establish a permanent endowment for the ongoing maintenance and management of the Bailey Nature Preserve.

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Recurring Gift

You can give a Recurring monthly donation by choosing the “Monthly Donation” option, and then selecting an amount.

For monthly donations you may select a predefined amount, or enter your own.

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Mail in your donation or drop it off to our office at:

Barry Community Foundation
231 S. Broadway St.
Hastings, MI 49058

Please make check payable to Barry Community Foundation and include the name of the fund to which you are donating in the check’s memo line.


To learn more, please contact our staff below or call (269) 945-0526.

Bonnie Gettys
