This scholarship was established in 1999, by an area couple, Jon & Kay Simpson. Kay has enjoyed a career in nursing and Jon spent 33 years as a banker. It is their desire to provide financial assistance to a Senior, or graduate, of the Thornapple Kellogg School District who wishes to pursue a degree in nursing, in another medical field, or in allied health related field.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Applicants must be seniors at Thornapple-Kellogg High School, or they may be TK High School alumni
- Applicants must be accepted at any college or university in the State of Michigan.
- Applicants must be planning to pursue a degree in nursing. If NO qualified applicant pursuing a certificate or degree in nursing applies, qualified applicants in another medical field, or in an allied health related field will be considered.
- If there are no qualified applicants for the above programs, then applicants wishing to pursue a degree in business will be considered.
- Applicants must be planning to pursue a certificate, a 2- year or a 4- year degree.
- Applicants must be approved to receive some form of financial aid.