Giving Center

Our Funds

Funds / Education / Wyatt M. Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund – DKEF

Wyatt M. Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund – DKEF

It is the intention of the Fund to award a scholarship to a graduating high school senior of Delton Kellogg High Schools.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a graduating high school senior from Delton Kellogg
  • Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree with a major in foreign language and/or culture, history, social studies, OR in education with a major in one of these three courses of If NO qualified student pursuing one of these field applies, then a study majoring in any area of education is eligible.
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 0.
  • Must be accepted at an accredited post-secondary college or
  • Financial need is not a requirement, but students must fill out the FAFSA application:

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Giving Options


Single Gift

You can donate a One-Time amount of your choosing by selecting the “One-time Donation” option.


Recurring Gift

You can give a Recurring monthly donation by choosing the “Monthly Donation” option, and then selecting an amount.

For monthly donations you may select a predefined amount, or enter your own.

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Mail a Check

Mail in your donation or drop it off to our office at:

Barry Community Foundation
231 S. Broadway St.
Hastings, MI 49058

Please make check payable to Barry Community Foundation and include the name of the fund to which you are donating in the check’s memo line.